Oscar up the Gog

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Art of the Brick
Mon 11/07/2011 11:22 PM


Ahh - time to breath!

Feels like I’ve been insanely busy lately. The Rally has taken a lot of my time - but not all! On Wednesday I had the day off. This was in lieu for the weekend I worked a few weeks back.


Anyway - as I was planning to be in Melbourne on Thursday for a meeting, I’d organized to be in Melbourne for my day off on Wednesday.

This was so I could catch up with Mike (Oblivion) and family - and go to the Art of the Brick exhibition with them.


Art of the Brick is not so much a Lego exhibit, but an art exhibit. So don’t go there expecting another Brickvention style show.


But if you go expecting Art, it’s pretty darn good.


The T-Rex is insane!


And I’d happily have the skulls on my wall!


This is an interesting use of colours.


This chick didn’t care that it was too cold to go swimming.


And this guy just wished his hands were finished.


It was well worth the trip over - especially so because I got to spend the day with Mike, Gabs, and Bec (and Ben in the evening).

It wasn’t the only Lego stuff to happen on that trip - but that’s another story....

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Farewell Klutz
Mon 11/07/2011 11:17 PM


Sunday was a farewell for Klutz (and a sort of engagement party for him and Amy).

He’s off to Brisbane to start the next chapter of his life. Best of luck mate!

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Ulverstone Car Rally
Mon 11/07/2011 11:14 PM


Back a year ago - Tim, Tom, and I won the Ulverstone Church Car Rally. (http://www.headlessmoron.com/viewthread.php?postid=666).

As part of the tradition - that meant that we had to organize the next one. So that’s what I’ve been doing lately. Takes quite a bit of work. My parents and sister helped out massively - and Tim and Tom failed to lift a finger to assist.

But after weeks of planning - Saturday was the big day. And to be honest - it went really well. It seemed like everyone enjoyed themselves, and we had one of the biggest turn-outs for an Ulverstone Church Car Rally - and it was said to be one of the best organized.

And congrats to Team BL - Bec and Lynn - for surprising me and winning. I was guessing one of the local teams would take it out this time. I guess this gives Tim another chance to not help plan it (Lynn is his Mum).

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Chris goes swimming....
Tue 05/07/2011 08:51 PM


Ok - I am finally allowed to blog about the weekend before last. I’ve been operating under an embargo - but it’s been lifted.

Apparently Rodeos can’t swim...


Chris was at TAFE in Launceston for the week - and he and his mate Nick decided they wanted to head out to Bridport for a weekend on the sand. I came along to keep them out of trouble :)

Nick has an impressive looking rig  - for a Toyota anyway...


Anyway - if you read my tale a few posts back, you’ll know that Chris, Dad, and I were at Bridport a few weeks before this. And you may remember that I stalled in a puddle because it killed my electrics. Well - this time I found a chicken track around the puddle - but suggested the others could still play in it if they wanted. Bad idea on my part.

 Two weeks earlier it was wet - but solid bottomed.

This time was a different story. Chris drove in, and just sunk. It was pure mush!


Nick decided to do the manly thing and hook up the snatch strap. He couldn’t manage it though - so Chris had to get out and hook it up himself. So much for Toyota drivers.


So in a reverse from the week previously - Oscar pulled the Rodeo out.


Last time, I had hooked up the snatch strap before I went in - because I’d thought I might have electrical issues - so I’d been towed out nice and quickly. This time we thought it’d be nice and solid like it had been - so we weren’t so prepared. Plus Chris opened the door to hook up the snatch strap - so there was a LOT of water in the car.

Worse - there was water in the engine too.




Not pretty.


Using my hand winch, we managed to turn Chris around (the sand was too soft to snatch easily) and drain most of the water out. But to avoid risking damage we decided to tow him home.


We left the car besides the road while we finished the track. Personally if I’d been Chris - I’d have thrown in the towel and wanted to go home and work on the car - but he decided he didn’t want to spoil the day, so we loaded up the two remaining cars and kept trucking.


There must have been a lot of rain since the last time - the track had washed out in patches.


We ended up towing someone else out later in the track too! Not to mention assisting a Range Rover so it didn’t roll off a dune.


Oscar blew is coolant line again - so we fixed it. Then it blew again. Rinse and repeat. We eventually got some new coolant hose in Bridport that just managed to fit - so we got home again. No electrical problems either! I did strap up to Nick before any large water crossings just in case - but no issues this trip.

The following day we stripped Chris’s Rodeo right down. No carpet or seats remained inside - and Chris stripped down the engine to see why it was missing. Turns out it was a wet ECU! Once it was dry, everything was ok. Flushed the oil a couple of times to be safe - and she’s back on the road.

Chris didn’t want me to put photos up until he’d got it going again - but he has given me the go-ahead now.

I need to replace all my coolant hoses, and Chris has decided he’s adding a snorkel before he goes swimming again! But that’s four wheel driving I guess...

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Bucks Night
Sun 03/07/2011 09:55 PM


Klutz is getting married!

Ok - so that’s not exactly new news, but we had a Bucks Night for him this week. It may still be months until the wedding - but he’s moving to Queensland - so this was the last chance for his local friends to give him a send-off before he goes.


Being the sort of crowd we are - we didn’t do any of the more traditional bucks night stuff - but instead just hung out and went bowling. It was still heaps of fun - and Klutz enjoyed himself - so that’s what counts.

In fact - it was so much fun that we decided to get back together a couple of evenings later to go and see Transformers 3 (after another tea and much discussion about Lunar Beef and chicken uprisings).


And to break with tradition - we went to the Launceston cinemas instead of Devonport. Why? Because Launceston offer 2D showings as well - and we all hate 3D. Devonport has the better cinema - but if they only show 3D, they’ll lose our business!

The movie itself was really quite good - if you like Transformers. The worst part was killing off so many of the characters - do they leave themselves open for another movie in the series?

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