Jawapro .com
A Seriously Froody Website
Dr Who newsjawaproWed 16/11/2005 09:18 PM
For all those of you who are fans of the Tardis and Daleks etc - here is some news about the new series of Dr Who.
Chris Eccleston left the series, after only one season - which is sad. But we already knew that, and we´ve already met the new Doctor, David Tennant. So that´s not the big news.
The bigger news is that there is also going to be a spin off of Dr Who called TorchWood. Its a bit like UNIT from the old series apparently, and it stars Captain Jack. They investigate aliens and stuff on Earth. TorchWood is an anagram of Doctor Who (scramble the letters). There is more info in my forums.
Not only that, but they have released a photo of the new Cybermen. In the last series the Daleks returned, and that was really kool, and now we have a return of another classic villan - the Cybermen! And they dont look bad either. Full size pic avaliable in my forums
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UpdatejawaproWed 16/11/2005 09:18 PM
Hey guys - I´ve finally got this to a point where I am happy with it - so I am offically opening this site to the public. Enjoy - and let me know when things dont work.
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Exams are over!!!!jawaproSun 06/11/2005 09:18 PM
Hey guys,
I finally finished my exams!!! So now I can start working on this site again. I have done a fair bit on it today already - almost ready to open it to the public. I now have a proper domain and hosting - so it should stay up longer this time. Enjoy!!!
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Screen-archjawaproFri 19/08/2005 08:18 PM
Hey all - I just found this picture and thought it was too cool not to show you. This must have been one bored nerd.
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Big AdjawaproTue 09/08/2005 08:18 PM
Hey all! I just watched a cool ad on tv tonight. I think it´s pretty sweet anyway. It has a very epic feel to it.
Its for Carlton Draught (Beer) - they have had a lot of cool ads lately. Anyway - this is sort of like a take-off of Lord of the Rings, and Braveheart and all the other epic movies. Well worth a look if you ask me. You can download it here - 10Meg. Big Ad.mov
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