Oscar up the Gog

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I go to Reo....

Author: jawapro
Date: Thu 20/06/2013 09:51 AM


My shed slab has reo and is ready to pour!

The pour is tentatively scheduled for Monday, pending fair weather and approval from the building surveyor.


Comments: 2


Comment: 1

Author: omnimors
Date: Thu 20/06/2013 10:08 AM

It seems like the work is progressing quickly. 

Also, this looks way bigger than a shed. I suppose this is where you're going to work on your collection of vehicles. 



Comment: 2

Author: jawapro
Date: Thu 20/06/2013 10:35 AM

Yep - that's the plan. Its 7m x 7m.

Garage/shed - same thing. You can have a shed that's not a garage, and a garage that's not a shed - or one that's both (like mine).