Oscar up the Gog

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Lego Haul

Author: jawapro
Date: Sun 08/07/2012 03:41 PM


Tis the season of the annual toy sale!

An awesome time to be a Lego Fan - a less awesome time to be a Lego fan's budget...

I hit the toy sales fairly hard (although this is nothing compared to a lot of folk I am talking to). The above photo shows everything I have bough recently, except for Helm's Deep (which I will have to blog separately).

It's all stuff I'd planned to buy anyway - and saved some mega $$$ by waiting for the sales. The cargo train was almost $100 off by itself! And no bills this fortnight - so it's all froody!

It's got me in the Lego mood at the moment - so I'm starting to get organized for the Tassie Lego convention in September. Should be good!

Comments: 1


Comment: 1

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Mon 09/07/2012 10:30 AM

Jealous. 'Nuff said.