Oscar up the Gog

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Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 28/12/2011 08:17 PM



Was cruzing around on the interwebs when I found that there is an actual official trailer for the Hobbit!

And it looks great!

Officially stoked for that movie now.

And then I stumbled across a trailer for a movie called Prometheus.

Totally unrelated, but still awesome.


If this doesn't make the hair on the back of your neck stand up - you're not much of a geek! I didn't even know they were making it.

Comments: 2


Comment: 1

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Fri 30/12/2011 03:54 PM

Definitely looking forward to the Hobbit. And I reckon Prometheus - just from the trailer - is going to be a bit like the original Alien...



Comment: 2

Author: jawapro
Date: Fri 30/12/2011 03:55 PM

It is another Alien movie!!! That thing you see them exploring is the spaceship they find the facehuggers on in Alien! Going back to where it all began. Have you seen the Alien movies yet?