Oscar up the Gog

                    www. Jawapro .com
                    A Seriously Froody Website






UNI Stuff

Uni Stuff (AWD)

Name: Advanced Web Development.

Mark: High Distinction (81)

Textbook: Not needed for course, but a very good book anyway.

Another lecturer with a foreign accent - who even admited to speaking Korean some of the time, but we had just assumed that his accent was causeing the problems.

Aside from that, this was probably my favorite unit at uni so far. I love messing around with websites, so I really enjoyed it. I learnt a bit too, but not a heap, cause I'd already done a fair amount of it. Great course though.

The assignments were massive. So much that they broke the normal 30%-internal 70%-exam rule of computing. But although they were huge, they were PHP programming, which I really enjoyed. So 100% for both assignments for me!

I could upload the code, but there is no real point. Look around you - this website was built based on the skills I gained in this unit and previously. In fact, the blog page on this site is almost identical to the one I made for the 2nd assignment, although the layout has changed a lot.

Assignment One was a blog using a text file.

Assignment Two was an enhanced version of the blog with more functionality and we used a database instead of the text file.
